Friday, February 5, 2010

Better Late Than Never

It wasn't a New Year's Resolution, or anything even vaguely resembling one, but I did decide that I wanted to get back to writing more often.  I figured a blog would be a perfect place to do that.  I could get near instant feedback from my friends and strangers.
I can assure you that this blog will not be all fluff and glitter.  My "youthful" writings always had a darker feel to them.  I assume that will be the case with my "mature" writings.  Of course, I will more than likely have more than a handful of articles pertaining to the real world.
For now, gentle reader, you will have to content yourself with these few paragraphs.  It is time to sleep.  I picked what is surely an unreasonable hour to start this adventure, but I assure you, it will be an adventure.
Until next we meet (and until google implements a spellcheck, damn them!),